Tiara Shinken father of Ryu Kyu Kobudo |

Instructor to Soke Shogo Kuniba & Hanshi Eisuke Akamine |
Taira Shinken called "The Father of Modern Kobudo" was
born Maezato Shinken on June 12th, 1897 on the island of Kumejima (Kume Island) off of Japan. Tradition has it that Master
Shinken was introduced to kobudo by his grandfather Kanegawa Gimu (1862-1921) .
During Master Shinken's studies with Master Funakoshi
they traveled extensively in the Kanto area promoting and demonstrating karate at several universities. In constant desire to learn more Taira Shinken asked Master Funakoshi to introduce
him to a friend and colleague of Master Funakoshi's that he met in Osaka years earlier, named Master Kenwa Mabuni(founder
of Shito Ryu Karate Do). . As a result of this help from Master Funakoshi young Master Shinken did become a student
of Master Mabuni ,who was the first person to introduce Kobudo to the mainland of Japan. Many of Master Mabuni's students
also later supported Master Shinken. Such as Sakagami Ryusho, Master Mabuni's Son, Kunishi Yasuhiro, Kuniba Shogo (Soke Kozo's
father), and Hayashi Teruo, as well as both Eizo and Tatsuo Shimabuku. It was these men that were responsible for the spread
of Master Shinken's Kobudo throughout the world.
Soke Shogo Kuniba |

Father to Soke Kozo Kuniba |
Late Shogo Kuniba was a direct student of Tiara Shinken (modern day founder of Kobudo), and one of
the original Japanese Shihan under the Hozon Shin Ko Kai. Kyoshi Woodard began his Ryu Kyu Kobudo training in this system.
Later known as Ryu Kyu Kobudo Kuniba Ha, also known as Ryu Kyu Kobudo Tiara Ha.
The Kuniba family linage can be traced back as direct decendents of
the first family of royalty of Okinawa with the Okinawan pronunciation of Kuniba as Kokuba.
Eisuke Akamine |

Hozon Shin Ko Kai |
Eisuke Akamine was the direct successor to the Ryu Kyu Kobudo Hozon Shin Ko Kai system
of Tiara Shinken (modern day founder of Kobudo). This is the first complete Kobudo Systems to ever be developed.
Comprising of weapons such as: Bo (staff), Nunchaku (flail), Tekko (knuckle duster), Sai (trencheon), Tonfa (grinding handle),
Eku (boat oar), Kama (sicle).
He was the instructor of Hanshi Hidemi Tamayose.

Hidemi Tamayose "Kaicho" President of the Ryu Kyu Kobudo Tesshinkan in Okinawa
was a direct student of Akamine Sensei. Upon the death of Akamine Sensei, Hanshi Tamayose formed the Ryu Kyu Kobudo Tesshinkan
to preserve the system taught to him by his long time instructor. Tamayose Sensei now serves as the instructor to Kyoshi
Bill Woodard and certifies his students Kobudo in Okinawa.
Kyoshi Bill Woodard with Hanshi Hidemi Tamayose |

in Ozato, Okinawa Budokan |
Kyoshi Woodard with Hanshi Tamayose in the Ozato, Okinawa Dojo. Kyoshi Woodard became a member of the Ryu Kyu Kobudo
Tesshinkan shortly after it was formed in May 1999. He was promoted to Nidan in this system by Hanshi Tamayose in 2002.
Soke Kozo Kuniba from Japan presents |

Kyoshi Bill Woodard with Rokudan and Shihan licenses in Kobudo |
Kyoshi Bill Woodard receives his 6th Degree Black Belt in Okinawan Ryu Kyu Kobudo and the title of
Shihan issued by Soke Kozo Kuniba of the Kuniba Kai after testing 2/08/09 at the Ocala Karate Dojo in front of members from
as far away as Virginia. He received his 5th Degree Black Belt in this system in 1991.
He also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Ryu Kyu Kobudo Tesshinkan issued by Hanshi Hidemi Tamayose. Kyoshi
Woodard became a member of the Ryu Kyu Kobudo Hozon Shin Ko Kai in 1997, and the Ryu Kyu Kobudo Tesshinkan in August
of 1999 shortly after it was formed to help preserve these ancient arts.
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