National Karate & Kobudo Federation

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Welcome to the NKKF web site!

The NKKF is a non political non profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of authentic martial arts.

NKKF training in Okinawa

Training and Certification in the Land of Budo

The National Karate Kobudo Federation (NKKF) is Dedicated to Preserving The Traditional Training and Decorum that is associated with the Martial Arts of Japan and Okinawa.

The NKKF is a Brotherhood of Martial Artist from around the globe working together in their common goals of preserving and promoting their arts. The NKKF Shihan Kai consists of Shito Ryu, Goju Ryu, Shorin Ryu, Okinawan Kempo, Goshin Budo, Shotokan, Shorei Ryu, Ryu Kyu Kobudo, Okinawan Kobudo as well as several of the less popular arts.

The National Karate Kobudo Federation provides instruction and advancement in Karate and Kobudo. With all members receiving discounts on Seminars and equiptment.

Want to train with a Master of the Arts in Karate or Kobudo? Contact us about our Seminars and Yearly Training Trips to Japan and Okinawa!

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

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